Picking a Monologue and Sourcing Materials for Performance
So you've been asked to source some Material! We've all been there. Either you have an upcoming audition or assignment or maybe you just...

BOX Rev Sessions: Utilising the Long Game, with Tom Moriarty
Anything worth doing will take time. It is no different in our industry. If you dream of accepting that oscar, then you have a long road...

BOX Blog Sessions: Understanding the Loneliness Pt. 1, with Tom Moriarty
Rejection and loneliness are subjects that are often spoken about at length in our industry. Yet what do these vaguely academic concepts...

BOX Blog Sessions: The Headshot, with Tom Moriarty
What is a headshot? This may seem like an obvious question but if you take a moment and truly ponder it, then I think you will realise...

Spring Awakenings us all
It's that time of year again! Kids and teachers are off work, most folk are decadently feasting on chocolate or liquid substances, the...