BOX Rev Sessions: Utilising the Long Game, with Tom Moriarty
Anything worth doing will take time. It is no different in our industry. If you dream of accepting that oscar, then you have a long road...

BOX Blog Sessions: Finding your networking niche, with Tom Moriarty
Networking is an aspect of our careers that most shy away from and understandably so. Akin to public speaking, it can get the heart rate...

BOX Blog Sessions: The Showreel, with Tom Moriarty
Over my years in the business of coaching (which is a term I still haven’t settled on), I have spoken to literally thousands of actors....

Guest Blog Sessions: Finding the right agent, with Martin Kelly
As we roll into another productive week, it is my pleasure to introduce Martin Kelly, a true veteran of BOX Rev & GFi. I have known...

Guest Blog Sessions: The Entrepreneur & The Actor, with Martyn Scullion
This week, our Guest Blog Session is hosted by none other than Martyn Scullion. Over the last fifteen months I have worked 1-on-1 with...